Being a human, I sometimes wonder if things and persons wouldn’t have been associated with each other then what would get happened. There were no relationships, bonding, obligations, and attachment. But, were we born not to be dependent or to be associated with others. When I try to find answer of this question, I always perceive that a living being cannot survive without being associated or linked with other living beings or any objects.
Relationship can be of any type, personal, business, professional etc. In my thought relationship is built due to the need. All living beings depend on someone for something. Can every one build his or her house? Can you service your car? Answer will be No, but the resources are there. People who they are trained in that field are able to mould these resources into product that others need. I am simply trying to say that, all human beings are talented and got the talent as a gift. We have these talents so that we can use them to serve one another. Few people are good in repairing cars, heeling others, comforting others, helping you find your True Love. The reason is we cannot do it all on our own. Truth is that the doctors also get sick and visit other doctors.
I talked something nonsense in the above paragraph but I have written this paragraph to explain that there is a need behind every relationship. And If I think one step ahead and crossed the material, I found that we all are here to build a better relationship with all who they are around us else we will be individually experiencing our own joys, sorrows and love. But, the relationship that brings the most happiness and the one you pursue are entirely different things. If any relationship does not work well, there must be a reason.
A couple that find successful relationship or marriage, put in what are the things they trust to be the right thing rather what they wish for. A winning relationship depends on the idea of not giving up trying right things to maintain the health of the relationship. We should keep revisiting the facts of healthy and happy relationship, and use it until it yelled result. It is quite often that people are willing to find love and happiness but are not ready to spend time so they reconcile with the Love at first sight. Shortly they find that the person is not so great and the relationship turned into break-up. Fortunately, resource to help each man, woman or couples are already there. We as human beings should have the inclination to try and implement to get the best result out. We should try to use the available resources at the level best and help our partner to develop a cozy and comfortable environment for each other.
The most common words I heard for relationship is, Relationships should work. There is an admired saying-if you are doing something and if it doesn’t work, try a new approach. I think this is the only spirit of relationship. I believe, most common reason for a relationship to get failed is people find the person they want to be with and that is all they do care and love about. This approach to finding love is little bit risky because relationship is about two people who go with. Moreover, by this way the relationship bowed to one sided. This is the woman or man I want and that is it, is one sided. When you select a person you want, you may find you’re self-doing too much in the significance of love. This might cause the love to get power over you because the love knows- you want him or her so you are willing to do as he or she wants. You will find too many men and women who have given all they can and got dumped for another person. You can stop repeating the same fault only if you do admit that there is something you are doing that is not accurate.
However if you look for a relationship that is even- the love, affection, respect in the relationship will be given equally. The very meaning of essence of relationship is finding a relationship that is healthy and will work for both you and the other person. If you want to find relationship that will work ones and for all, you have to find you out of you. When it comes to finding that special someone, go about it the right way. Never forget that the word, it is SPECIAL not just any one pursue your love life the right way.
You are not here to have failed relationships unless you made that choice.
true but bit boring and sticky......